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Oreo Cookie Molds
Peace Oreo Cookie Chocolate Mold
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Make your own chocolate covered Oreos with the 6 Cavity Peace Oreo Cookie Chocolate Mold.
Simply fill the mold cavities 1/3 full with melted chocolate, embed your sandwich cookies, then top off each cavity with chocolate. After chilling the molds in the fridge or freezer for a few minutes, your professional quality chocolate covered Oreos are ready to unmold and enjoy.
Chocolate covered Oreos are easy and fun to make, and with the diverse selection of SpinningLeaf molds, you can easily make everyone's favorite party favor for any occasion!
Product: CK-2043
Cavities: Six
Cavity Size: 2" x 2" x 0.87"
Plastic: Thick 1/16" Clear PETG
Wash in warm soapy water. Not dishwasher safe.
SpinningLeaf Cookie Molds are made specifically for making chocolate covered Oreo cookies, and handmade soaps.
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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
Loved the Design-difficult
December 18, 2011
Reviewer: Angell from San Diego, CA United States
I just loved the design of this mold. I tried several times to paint just the design and it still did not come out as fantastic as others. I just use one color now and it still looks great.
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