Frosted Chocolate Covered Mini Oreos Tutorial
By SpinningLeaf

These bite sized treats are fast and affordable to make, festive and fun to decorate, and sure to be a party favorite!
In this tutorial you will learn how to make Frosted Chocolate Covered MIni Oreos, using the SpinningLeaf Mini Oreo Kisses Chocolate Mold, and decorate them with your favorite holiday sprinkles.
Supplies You Will Need

Melt Chocolate & Partially Fill Mold
Microwave Oven: Place coarsely chopped chocolate or
candy wafers into a microwave safe bowl. Microwave at 50% power for 1
minute, then stir well. Continue to microwave for 15 to 30 second
intervals, stirring well after each interval, until smooth.
Double Boiler: Place coarsely chopped chocolate or candy wafers in the double boiler over hot, not boiling, water. Stir until smooth.
Please note: For best results, do not overheat the chocolate, and avoid introducing moisture.
Fill the chocolate into the mold cavities, approximately 1/3 full. Tap the mold onto the table to settle the chocolate, and remove any trapped air.

Embed Mini Oreo Cookies
Press the Mini Oreo cookie into the chocolate, and center it in the mold cavity.
As you press the Mini Oreo cookie into the mold cavity, the chocolate
will rise up around the sides, embedding the cookie, and leaving only the top uncovered.

Top Off Mold
Pour the chocolate over the embedded mini Oreo cookie, completely filling the mold, and covering the cookie.
Gently tap the mold onto the table to settle the chocolate, and remove any trapped air.
Tip: Use the tines of a fork to re-center the cookie in the mold cavity if it has shifted.
Tip: If necessary, level the chocolate by scraping away the excess with a silicone spatula.
Unmold Your Mini Chocolate Covered Oreos and Pipe Them with Frosting Drops
After the chocolate has hardened, chill the mold in the refrigerator for approximately 10 minutes. Turn the mold upside down and press on the back of the cavity to release the mini chocolate covered Oreos.
Decorate the mini chocolate covered Oreos with a Hershey Kiss-like frosting drop, a drop flower, or even the infamous poop emoji.
Tip: You can practice your piping and decorating techniques on the backside of the Mini Oreo Kisses Chocolate Mold.

Decorate Your Frosted Mini Chocolate Covered Oreos
Easily decorate the Frosted Mini Chocolate Covered Oreos for any occasion using your favorite holiday sprinkles.
This completes the Frosted Mini Chocolate Covered Oreo Tutorial. Thank you for your interest!